Friday, December 22, 2006

She asks me if I'm lighting up

I say no

I'd rather watch her

She giggles


Looks at me

Takes a cigarette from my packet

Places it between her lips

Takes the lighter from my hand

Moves it up towards her mouth

And lights the cigarette

She inhales

Then exhales



And slowly

It begins to dawn on her

That there is such a thing

As a smoking fetish

She's not an internet perv like me

But somehow I suspect she's just as dirty.

She looks at me

More studiously

As if to figure out my next move

It is towards her

Into her personal space

To take the cigarette from her hand

Draw on it

And hand it back to her.

I wish I wasn't shaking quite so much.

But she doesn't mind.

In fact, I think she quite likes it.

I retreat

Out of her personal space

So that I might once again watch her

From a voyeuristic distance.

She inhales


And this time she reaches out a hand

So that neither one of us has to impose

Upon the other.

I take her outreached hand

Move it up towards my mouth

And kiss it.

I take her index finger

And kiss it.

Her middle finger

Kiss that too.

Her ringed finger

I kissed that too.

And her little finger?

I nibbled on that.

And it was at that moment that her husband

With whose ring, he she wed

Poked his head around the door

To tell her she was needed

In the store

And there she left me

Huffing and blowing

And begging for more.