Saturday, December 30, 2006


Now I don't mean this in a disparaging way, but wouldn't Princess make a great escort?

On the surface of it, she appears to have all the attributes. Long blond hair, tasteful make-up and jewelery, and a demure understated look (maybe more popular here in the UK than in the US, due in part to the class system and the fact that many UK escorts are students).

She has a look which suggests she takes a keen interest in people and in what makes them tick. Just imagine her smouldering eye contact as she gazes at you across the restaurant table for two. She's sipping a glass of wine, encircling the rim with her tongue. She's laughing at your jokes and listening attentively to your every word. Isn't this what being an executive is all about?

And doesn't she look a natural on the bed? So relaxed in your company and open to suggestion. Perhaps if you became a trusted client over time, she might even let you tie her hands to the bed with a silk scarf, and possibly blindfold her. So that you can tease her, the way she's spent all night teasing you.

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